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Village Zero

Village Zero Sandringham seeks urban regeneration with a premise in respecting nature and supporting people. Village Zero Sandringham is an initiative of people living locally and all are volunteers.

Village Zero Sandringham Waste Free Markets

Village Zero Sandringham will be at the Twilight markets encouraging all visitors to BYO

cups, containers, cutlery, water bottles and bags to Avoid, Replace and Reuse single

use packaging in a market setting.

Avoid single use packaging by Bringing Your Own containers, cups, cutlery, water bottles and bags to the market.

Containers and cups must be clean and undamaged.


Replace single use packaging by paying a deposit on an Infinity Box returnable container or cup, take it to the food van of choice for filling then return it to the Village Zero Sandringham marquee for your deposit back.


Reuse coffee cups, containers, cutlery, water bottles and bags.

By taking these few small steps and embedding them into everyday routines, we can all reduce our carbon footprint and significantly reduce single use packaging.

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