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Allure - Sandringham


Stallholders can commence bump in


All stalls must be set up and ready to operate



Market commences No vehicle movement allowed during market times 



Market concludes Stallholders can commence pack up, no vehicle movement until instructed by Event Manager


There are two entry access points on to the site (from Beach Road). 

There is a north entry (A) & south (B) please ensure you know which entry to use.

These will be highlighted with Yellow flags.
Please ensure you try to drive along footpaths when entering the site.


Not all sites will have parking directly behind their stalls, due landscape restrictions. Parking will be as close as possible to each stallholders site. Only 1 vehicle permitted on site per stallholder

The only vehicles permitted onto the event site are those, which have a specific reason and are on legitimate business (e.g. carrying equipment and materials). Vehicles must adhere to strict access points for entering and exiting the event space.

The speed limit within the event site is walking pace.  Drivers are to exercise extreme care to ensure the safety of pedestrians and prevent vehicle accidents on site. Hazard lights are to be on at all times when the vehicle is moving around the site. 
Stallholders may not move their vehicles on site until after the finish of the event and the ALL CLEAR has been given by the Event Organiser.


All marquees must be of a professional grade (no gazebos or camping tents permitted)

Bayside City Council has instructed us that all marquees must be weighted down. (No pegging allowed on site)

A minium of 30kg per leg of the marquee

Stallholders are responsible for weighting down marquees as per the structures manufacturing specifications or to the satisfaction of the event manager.


There is no power on site for stallholders or food vendors.  

You may bring your own generator, however it must be a client generator and approved by the event manager.


Village Zero Sandringham will be at the Twilight markets encouraging all visitors to BYO cups, containers, cutlery, water bottles and bags to Avoid, Replace and Reuse single use packaging in a market setting.

Visistors will be encourage to do the following:

  • Avoid single use packaging by Bringing Your Own containers, cups, cutlery, water bottles and bags to the market. Containers and cups must be clean and undamaged.

  • Replace single use packaging by paying a deposit on an Infinity Box returnable container or cup, take it to the food van of choice for filling then return it to the Village Zero Sandringham marquee for your deposit back.

  • Reuse coffee cups, containers, cutlery, water bottles and bags.


Stallholders must adhere to the following:


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